
Nihilism is an ideology of nothing. (Nihil is latin for nothing). This ideology says that life has no intrinsic value or meaning. Nothing matters. You are going to pass away and so is everyone & everything else. There is no purpose. Pretty scary, right?

When I came across this philosophy, it took me aback. Because my curious mind is on the other side of the spectrum. But I was curious about nihilism too. Here is what I learnt.

It is true. Nihilism makes sense but I do not believe that it is absolute for us. We can use nihilism for our advantage. Because if you actually think about it, you'll find peace. There is absolute calmness in the void. Use it accordingly. Are you worried about a botched exam? Well, good news - it ain't gonna matter.

I just found it lazy. The concept that nothing matters can be proven true if we have exhausted every possibility but that is not the case because we aren't even aware of everything in the first place. Also, "believing" in nothing is paradoxical. Because if you believe in it then even the "nothing" becomes something for you. Hence, you're stuck in a loop.

So, yeah. Eventually it is not going to matter but right now, we are still to reach the point of "eventually". We don't live in a big picture constantly where nothing matters. We live in small moments were a lot of things are meaningful.

Explore this topic more because it is the opposite of what you believe. Just as you look both ways while crossing a road (we do that even for one way road here), look at both extremes. Purpose & purposelessness. You'll find something new.

Keep asking questions. Ask WHY & if you find nothing then start asking WHY NOT.
